Download ApnaPad free Text Editor Download.


Apnapad is a generic text editor included with all versions of Windows,that allows you to create, open, and read plaintext files.If the file contains special formatting or is not a plaintext file, it will not be able to be read in Apnapad. The image to the above is a small example of what the Apnapad may look like while running...

Note: If you need built-in features such as a spell checker, grammer checker,font size,multimedia(e.g picture) etc.

How to Open File In ApnaPad:

1.Open Apnapad.exe

2.Select file You want to open.

3.And Then Click Open Button.

3.You can use Shortcut Key For Open Files Like Ctrl+O

4.Your Document Is now Open.

How to Save File In ApnaPad:

1.Write text in ApnaPad would you like to save it.

2.Click File on top-left corner and then Save.

3.You can use Shortcut Key For Save Files Like Ctrl+S.

4.Click On Save Button.

5.Your Document is Now Saved.

Download ApnaPad And enjoy itself.
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As Soon As possible we'll make PhotEditor Like ApnaEditor .
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